exida Certification - IEC 61508, IEC 61511, IEC 62443, ISO 26262, CFSE

2016 Safety & Cyber Awards

exida is pleased to announce the winners of their 2016 Safety & Cyber Awards. We recognize the importance of excellence in functional safety, and through extensive analysis of the nominated products, we are confident that the chosen products best exemplify innovation and novelty.

Awards were presented in only two categories this year:

  • Sensor (Process)
  • Logic Solver

The products and processes that were nominated for this year’s awards are all extremely innovative and exhibit exceptional work,” said Mike Medoff, exida senior safety engineer.

“This made for a very tough selection process however we feel as though the chosen products and process best exemplify innovation and have the ability to benefit/improve application of IEC 61508 or IEC 62443. Congratulations to this year’s award recipients.”

2016 Recipients


SLATE Burner Control System

SLATE is a revolutionary new combustion system that combines configurable combustion safety with programmable logic in one single platform. SLATE can easily be customized for almost any requirement or application - offering virtually limitless development opportunities with a far less complexity.

SLATE streamlines and simplifies the product development process, allowing customers to bring unique solutions to market in a matter of weeks instead of months

United Electric Controls

One Series Safety Transmitter

The One Series Safety Transmitter is a hybrid control that is both a transmitter for continuous monitoring and a logic-solving safety trip alarm. This dual functionality is accomplished with an advanced microcontroller that generates a 4 to 20mA output along with two isolated programmable digital outputs that can be deployed for process safety control, alarm and interlock. A third digital output is dedicated to diagnostics. The United Electric Safety Transmitter (ST) is the first transmitter to incorporate a logic solver and high capacity safety relay output (SRO) in addition to an industry standard transmitter – all in one explosion-proof enclosure.