exSILentia is exida’s response to the pressing need for comprehensive safety lifecycle management solutions to manage the increasingly prescriptive safety regulations and standards.
The ARC View - February 2018
exSILentia® streamlines the Process Safety Management work process and the Safety Instrumented System Functional Safety Lifecycle by providing:
- Easy to use best-in-class tools
- Intelligent lifecycle knowledge integration
- Ground breaking enterprise leverage
Easy to Use Best-In-Class Tools
The exSILentia software suite is made up from a collection of Best-In-Class tools that:
- Ensure compliance to current standards
- Embed industry best practices
- Generate complete documentation on a work process by work process basis

Intelligent Lifecycle Integration

The exSILentia suite integrates the individual tools to create a project model with an Intelligent Data Core that:
- Seamlessly flows data throughout the project
- Eliminates duplicate data entry
- Captures and institutionalizes corporate knowledge.

Ground Breaking Enterprise Leverage
The exSILentia Intelligent Data Core facilitates movement of data within a project and throughout an enterprise making possible:
- Data imports from other tools
- Population of control system alarm databases
- Automatic configuration of safety instrumented systems
- Access of tool, project, or enterprise data by CMMS or ERP platforms.
Data Core Features

Event frequency and industry failure databases are accessible with the click of a button, reducing time required to complete analysis and design calculation.
User inputs are stored in enhanced libraries for quick reference and re-use such as causes, safeguards, hazard scenarios, recommendations, etc.

Project specific definitions of likelihood, severity, as well as the risk matrix can be customized by the user to accommodate different processes and company standards.
Reports are generated automatically to document and communicate the findings of each task, allowing project personnel to move quickly to the next phase.
DeltaV™ SIS Configurator
The exSILentia® DeltaV™ SIS Configurator plug-in takes a conceptual design, configured in the SIL verification tool SILver™, and converts that configuration into application program logic for use in a DeltaV™ SIS system.
The SIL verification of a conceptual design is a key step in the safety lifecycle. In order to determine the achieved SIL, users must model the structure of a SIF and account for application level settings. The completed conceptual design defines the input requirements for the application program to be created in the logic solver.
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Reducing Project Lifecycle Cost with exSILentia