What Does “… failures which are the responsibility of the manufacturer were examined” Mean ?
Recording Date: September 2019
What does “… failures which are the responsibility of the manufacturer were examined” mean with failure rate data?
There are a few assumptions that make a large difference in failure rate data. One of these is the definition of a “failure.” On any valid certificate, information is given to help the user understand the data. It is critically important to anyone using the data for SIL verification. This webinar shows examples of failure rate data provided by certification bodies and explains qualifying statements provided on the certificates.
About the Presenter:
Dr. William Goble, CFSE

Dr. Goble has over 40 years of professional experience. He is widely recognized as an expert in programmable electronic systems analysis, safety and high availability automation systems, automation systems new product development and market analysis. He developed many of the techniques used for probabilistic evaluation of safety and high availability automation systems. He has published many papers and magazine articles. Dr. Goble has a BSEE from Penn State, a MSEE from Villanova and a PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology in Eindhoven, Netherlands.