FSE 224 - Layer of Protection Analysis for the Practitioner - September 12-15, 2023 - Online-Live | exida

exida Academy Training

FSE 224 - Layer of Protection Analysis for the Practitioner

Sep 12 - Sep 15, 2023 - Online - Live Streaming - Half-Days

STATUS: Registration Open (Subject to Cancellation)

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Venue Details

Online - Live Streaming - Half-Days

There will be live interaction with instructor. Email academy@exida.com (for US) or landerson@exida.com (for UK) course times.

Please read our Cancellation and Reschedule Policy before signing up for any course.

Course Description:

This course is designed for practitioners and those who are either participants in facilitated layer of protection analysis (LOPA) or simply want a better understanding. It covers all facets of performing LOPA. It lays the foundation with basic probability math and event tree analysis, as well as topics on human error and common mode failure. The transition to LOPA from a basic HAZOP is covered, considering the impact of corporate risk criteria. Initiating causes, enabling events, independent layers of protection, and conditional modifiers are all covered. To drive the methodology home, hands on workshops are conducted.

Skills You Will Learn:

  • How to assess the risk of a process hazard
  • Understanding tolerable risk guidelines
  • Transferring information from HAZOP to LOPA worksheets
  • How to perform a Layer of Protection Analysis
  • Understanding where to find data for initiating events and independent layers of protection (IPL)
  • Learn the difference between a safeguard and an IPL
  • Understanding enabling conditions and conditional modifiers
  • How to consider multiple initiating events and outcomes in a LOPA study
  • SIL determination using LOPA

Course Topics:

  • Risk Criteria
  • Probability Math and Logic Models
  • Human Error
  • Data Considerations
  • Common Mode Failure
  • Initiating Events
  • Independent Layers of Protection
  • Alarm Layer of Protection
  • Enabling Conditions
  • Conditional Modifiers
  • Safety Integrity Level Selection

Who Should Attend?

  • Process Safety Engineers
  • Process Control Engineers
  • Safety Instrumented Systems Engineers
  • Process Engineers
  • Reliability Engineers